Affordable pricing

Zinzo provides custom performance optimisation for webshops (Magento, WooCommerce, Shopware, and other CMS). We address and solve the core performance issues specifically for your shop. No quick-fixes or suboptimal plugins. Positive return on investment for performance improvement leads to instant CPA optimisation.

What's the CPA potential for your shop? Let's find out together in a free 30 minute deep-dive of YOUR webshop.


Complete technical site analysis with server, database and frontend recommendations & performance ROI impact analysis based on your analytics.

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To discover the audit potential

Get Started Now
  • Full performance audit

  • Backend recommendations

  • Frontend recommendations

  • Technical instructions

  • Performance ROI impact

site optimisation sprint

Custom performance optimisation for your shop in just 1 development sprint. You will get a shop performance score of above 80.

Contact us

for custom CMS offer

Get Started Now
  • Performance development sprint

  • Performance score 80+ guarantee

  • Backend solutions (customised)

  • Frontend solutions (customised)

  • Premium Support (after care)

Performance Monitoring Service

Want to keep your shop's performance stong? Make use of our toolkit and let us monitor your shop proactively.

€150 /mo

Monthly cancellation after 3 months

Get Started Now
  • Active performance monitoring

  • Monthly status report

  • Zinzo Performance Suite

  • CRO Audit ChecklistExpress

  • Premium technical support


Resourcing challenges? Want to focus on brand & marketing? Let Zinzo fulfill your technical and/or operational webshop management.

Contact us

To learn how we can support your team

Book a strategy call
  • Product Owner Ecommerce

  • Ecommerce manager

  • Technical lead

  • Design lead (UX)

  • Marketing manager

Frequently Asked questions

Common Answers

1. How is Zinzo different from other (plugin) solutions?

We take a custom development approach and don't rely on '3rd party plugin solutions' or quick-fixes. By addressing the core issues, back-to-front we can give long lasting performance guarantees and support to keep conversion results high!

2. Why should I not ask my development partner to address this?

You can and you should. However, it will take a lot more time and more than double the costs as performance optimisation is our niche expertise, not theirs. Even better: we'll be working closely together to get the job done.

3. What’s you guarantee policy?

Our performance sprint optimisation will guarantee you a Lighthouse performance score above 80 and Web Vitals are all passed. Starting with the extensive audit, we can fairly accurately predict your performance ROI based on conversion results.

4. Which E-commerce platforms does Zinzo support?

We are specialised in Magento and WooCommerce platforms, but in principle can support all Ecommerce platforms ranging from Shopify, Shopware, BigCommerce to custom CMS platforms.

5. How can you improve my store without risk?

We work in close cooperation with your development team and require a staging environment to work with (an exact clone, but without customer data). After extensive testing, your team can deploy our optimisations, making it a risk free process. If your technical team is unavailable, then we can support you in this as well.

6. Why has the performance optimisation a 12 month service duration?

The initial performance optimisation has a full sprint duration. Because we address the core issues we can support your store’s performance more easily via remote monitoring. However, new shop developments and changes can/will occur and affecting performance. Zinzo can continue to support your team with advice and various services.